
Mirror, Mirror

Sweater: Thrifted // Dress: Wet Seal // Belt: Thrifted // Tights: Target // Shoes: Payless
Snow White is nowhere near my favorite princess (Belle is, with Ariel close behind), but with, I believe, two movies coming out soon and the show Once Upon A Time, Snow White is pretty big right now. So I took a page out of DisneyBound's book and put together my own Snow White inspired outfit. This is one of my favorite blogs to browse through, being such a big Disney fan myself.
I'm all about Disney princess movies being remade into more modern movies, but when are they going to do a Beauty and the Beast one? Because Beastly was a rather poor attempt.

What is your favorite Disney character? Would you dress like them?


  1. Adorable! I really love that jacket. I'm super obsessed with yellow these days.

    You know, I don't really have a favorite Disney character! I haven't watched any of the movies in ages. I remember liking Aladdin, although I wouldn't dress like him. I'd have to go with Cinderella, I guess. :P

    1. I've really been digging primary colors for some reason. That's kinda why I went with Snow White.

  2. I vote that you are the fairest of them all.

  3. Super cute! I love Once Upon a Time, do you watch it? This past week was about Belle! I always loved Belle and for some reason Wendy from Peter Pan, even though I have no wish to be a mother right now or take care of a bunch of guys, haha! I think it was more of the flying off to a magical land which I liked.

    1. Thank you! I actually don't watch Once Upon A Time, but I'd like to start. Peter Pan is one of the underrated Disney movies I think, which is such a shame because I love it too!
