
It's No Wonder That Her Name Means Beauty

Sweater: Wet Seal, Skirt: Target, Tights: Target, Shoes: Urban Outfitters, Belt: Charlotte Russe, Bow: Made by me
 Beauty and the Beast in 3D came out today, and you better believe I was there! Oh my goodness, it was like seeing it for the first time again! It was amazing and so well done. "Be Our Guest" and "Tale As Old As Time" were epic pieces before when the movie was release, and seeing them in 3D just made it even better!
 This is my modern-day, Belle-inspired outfit. I stuck to the blue theme like her original outfit. Her golden-yellow ball gown is still something I dream about (see my pinterest here), but the beauty in that is it being a formal gown.
Beauty and the Beast was my favorite Disney movie growing up (along with The Little Mermaid...red hair had to come from somewhere!). I love that Belle is an independent woman who wasn't all about finding Prince Charming, but still understood that when she found true love, she was not about letting it go either. What is your favorite Disney movie? Are you going to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D? You should! It's worth it!


  1. I love the skirt! It's very Belle inspired. I always liked Beauty and the Beast too, although my favorite Disney movie was Aladdin. I need to find someone who will go with me to see it in 3d!

  2. Thank you! I hope you get to see it! It was so amazingly beautiful!
